TPC Instruments
Thermo Easy n-LC 1000 coupled to the Thermo LTQ XL Mass Spectrometer
Sensitivity and unmatched MS spectral quality Pulsed Q dissociation (PQD) for generating more fragments and extending the low mass range. Electron transfer dissociation (ETD) option provides sequence information not available from conventional methods High-resolution isolation (HRI) enables isolation of isobaric mass peaks for cleaner MS/MS spectra. Ultra-fast polarity switching for high sensitivity analysis of unknowns Automated data-dependent neutral loss for PTM and biotransformation analyses.
The LTQ XL supplies outstanding sensitivity and abundant structural information for: 1) Protein identification 2) Biomarker studies and 3) PTM identification
For more information on the functional description of our equipment by Thermo Scientific, please visit:
Thermo Easy n-LC 1200 coupled to the Thermo Q-Exactive Plus Mass Spectrometer
Identify, quantify and confirm more compounds rapidly and with confidence using the Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer. This benchtop LC-MS/MS system combines quadruple precursor ion selection with high-resolution, accurate-mass (HRAM) Orbitrap detection to deliver exceptional performance and versatility. The Q Exactive Mass Spectrometer is equally useful for untargeted or targeted screening and a broad range of qualitative and quantitative applications in drug discovery, proteomics, environmental and food safety, clinical research and forensic toxicology.
High-Confidence Results, Quickly
HRAM and full-scan capabilities capture all sample data, all the time, enabling retrospective data analysis without need to re-run samples. Resolving power up to 140,000 FWHM eliminates isobaric interferences, increasing confidence in results when analyzing samples in complex matrices. Better than 1ppm mass accuracy in full-scan and all-ion fragmentation (AIF) modes ensures confident compound identification. Fast scanning at 12hz and spectral multiplexing suited to UHPLC applications. Rapid polarity switching maximizes information obtained AIF and multiple dissociation techniques—in-source CID and HCD—aid in compound identification. Extended mass range to 6,000m/z enhances detection of singly charged small molecules and biomolecules. More than four orders of magnitude intrascan dynamic range, along with femtogram-level sensitivity, allow detection of trace-level and high-abundance compounds in the same scan.
For more information on the functional description of our equipment by Thermo Scientific, please visit:
Varioskan Flash Spectral Reader (Thermo Scientific)
Multimode microplate reader used to measure fluorescence intensity (FI), time-resolved fluorescence (TRF), absorbance and luminescence. Incubations can be carried out in a controlled incubation temperature. The instrument also has shaking and reagent dispensing capabilities. Run on Thermo Scientific SkanIt Software 2.4.3, which controls all the instrument functions and provides data processing as well as reporting functions.
Chemi Doc XSR+ (Bio Rad)
Gel documentation system with CCD resolution and high sensitivity that allows to obtain protein gels images and Western Blot band visualization. Has a state of the art software that offers a variety of tools to adjust, transform and analyze images, perform densitometry and statistical analysis, and generate complete reports. This instrument is equipped with a PC with ImageLab 4.1 software for data acquisition and analysis.
Sorvall WX Ultra Series Ultracentrifuge (Thermo Scientific)
Ultracentrifuge and rotor that are designed to generate strong centrifugal forces to achieve faster separation rates in a minimum amount of time. Equipped with "ESP" (Efficient Sedimentation Program) that stimulates gradient formation and particle separation.
miVac DNA Concentrator Integrated system & Savant Speed Vac Plus
Systems that consist of three main components: concentrator, refrigerated trap, and vacuum pump. Used for the removal of aqueous and/or organic solvents such as water, acetonitrile, ethanol or methanol and subsequent sample lyophilization.