Publications 1996-1997
Papers Published or in Press
- Alegría, M., Pescosodio, B., Santos D., Vera, M. Can we Conceptualize and Measure Continuity of Care in Individual Episodes? The Case of Mental Health Services in Puerto Rico. Sociological Focus, 30 (2) : 113 - 129. 1997.
- Barreto-Estrada, J., Medina-Vera L., De Jesús-Escobar, J. and García-Arrarás J. Development of galanin and enkephalia like immunoreactivities in the sympathoadrenal lineage of the avian embryo; In vino and in vitro studies. Dev. Neurosci. (In press).
- Blagburn J.M., Sosa M.A. and Blanco R.E. Specificity of identified central synapses in the embryonic cockroach: Appropriate connections from before the onset of spontaneous afferent activity. J. Comp. Neurol., 373: 511-528, 1996.
- Blanco R.E. and Orkand P.M. Astrocytes and regenerating axons at the proximal stump of the severed frog optic nerve. Cell and Tissue Research, 286: 337-345, 1996.
- Burns D.N., Tuomala R., Chang B., Hershow R., Minkoff H., Rodríguez E., Zorrilla, C., Hammill H and Regan, J. Candida albicans vaginal colonization and vaginal candidiasis in human immunodeficiency virus seropositive women during pregnancy and postpartum. Clinical Infectious Disease. 24(2): 201-210, 1997.
- Castro F., Santaella M., Torres E., Rodríguez-Medina J.R. and Gonzá lez-Keelan C. Sustained response to interferon in a patient with common variable immunedeficiency and Hepatitis C.American J. of Gastroenterology. 92 (9) : 1557 - 58, 1997.
- Cooper E.R., Nugent R.P., Díaz C., Pitt J., Hanson C., Kalish L.A., Méndez H., Zorrilla, C., Hershow, Moye, J., Smeriglio, V. and Glenn-Fowler, M. After AIDS Clinical Trial 076: The changing pattern of zidovudine use during pregnancy, and the subsequent reduction in the vertical transmission of human immunodeficiency virus in a cohort of infected women and their infants. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 174: 1207-11, 1996.
- Crespo M.J., Escobales N. and Rodríguez-Sargent Carmen. Endothelial dysfunction in the San Juan hypertensive rat: possible role of the nitric oxide synthase. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. Jun;27(6):802-808, 1996.
- De Mello, W.C. Renin angiotensin system and cell communication in the failing heart. Hypertension, 27: 1267-1272, 1996.
- De Mello, W.C. Impaired regulation of cell communication by beta-adrenergic receptor activation in the failing heart. Hypertension, 27: 265-268, 1996.
- De Mello, W.C. Influence of alfa-adrenergic receptor activation on junctional conductance in heart cells; interaction with beta-adrenergic agonists. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 29: 273-277, 1997.
- De Mello, W.C., Cherry, R. and Manivannan, S. Electrophysiologic and morphologic abnormalities in the failing heart; effect of enalapril on the electrical properties. J. Cardiac Failure, 3: 53-61, 1997.
- Díaz-Miranda, L., Cecilio, F., Pardo, R., Martínez, R. and García-Arrarás, J.E. Galanin-like immunoreactivity in the sea cucumber Holothuria glaberrima. Cell and Tissue Res., 286: 385-391, 1996.
- Flishers, A. J., Kramer, R. A., Hoven, C. W., Greenwald, S., Alegría, M. et al. Psychosocial Characteristics of Physically Abused Children and Adolescents. J. Am Acad. Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 36 : 123 - 131, 1997.
- Giardinno, N.D., Aloyz, R.S., Miller, M.W. and DesGroseillers, L. The L5-67 and LUQ-peptide precursors of Aplysia californica: Distribution and localization of immunoreactivity in the central nervous system and in peripheral tissues. J. Comparative Neurology, 374: 230-245, 1996.
- Glied, S., Hover, C., Garrett, B., Moore, R, Leaf, P., Bird, H., Goodman, S., Regier, D., Alegría, M. Measuring Mental Health Status for Services Research. Journal of Child & Family Studies. 6 : 177 - 174. 1997.
- Hallgrimsson, B. Fluctuating asymmetry in the mammalian skeleton: Evolutionary and ontogenetic implications. Evolutionary Biology, Vol. 30. PP 187 - 251, 1997.
- Jiménez, A., Alegría, M., Peña, M., Vera, M. Mental Health Utilization in Women with Symptoms of Depression. Women & Health. 25 (2) : 1 - 21, 1997.
- Landesman S.H., Kalish, L.A., Burns D.N., Minkoff H., Fox H.E., Zorrilla C., García-Fowler M., Mofenson L. and Tuomala R. Obstetrical factors and the transmission of human immunodefiencicy virus type 1 from mother to child. The New England Journal of Medicine, 634(25): 1617-1623, 1996.
- Lavergne J.A., Zorrilla C. and Del Llano A.M. Decreased levels of TNF-beta in cultured PBLs from HIV+ patients occur concomitantly to their increased apoptosis and impaired PWM-induced proliferation and dehydrogenase activity. Immunological Investigations, 25: 279-289, 1996.
- Levine R.J.C., Kensler R.W., Yang Z., Stull T. and Sweeney, H.L. Myosin light chain phosphorylation affects the structure of rabbit skeletal muscle thick filaments.Biophysical J., 71: 898-907, 1996.
- Lim K., Kessler M.J., Pritzler K.P.H., Turnquist J.E. and Dieppe P.A. Osteoarthritis of the hand in a non-human primate: a clinical, radiographic and skeletal survey of Cayo Santiago rhesus macaques. J. Med. Primatol., 25: 301-308, 1996.
- Mejías-Torres I.A., Sierra-Pagín M.L. and Zimmermann B.H. Cloning of an aspartate transcarbamylase like sequence from Toxoplasma Gondii. Nature Biotechnology Short Reports, 8 : 51, 1997.
- Meyer D.L., Jadhao A.G. and Kicliter, E. Soybean agglutinin binding by primary olfactory and primary accessory olfactory projections in different frogs. Brain Res., 722: 222-226, 1996.
- Meyer D.L., Jadhao A.G., Barghava S. and Kicliter E. Bulbar representation of the water nose during Xenopus ontogeny. Neurosci. Lett., 220: 109-112, 1996.
- Miller M.W. A cellular approach to the study of complex natural behavior patterns in the ragged sea hare (Bursatella leachii), a marine invertebrate indigenous to Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal, 16: 23-36, 1997.
- Musiba C., Tuttle R.H., Hallgrimsson gastrointestinal, hepatic and pulmonary parasitism in adult cattle from Salamanca province, Western Spain. Research and Review in Parasitology. 55 : 231 - 234, 1996.
- Ramos S., Méndez I., Delgado R. and Cadilla, C.L. Sequence analysis of the HIV-1V1-V2 hypervariable region of the envelope gene from pediatric patients. PR Health Sci. J., 15: 211-218, 1996.
- Renta, J., Cadilla, C., Vega, M., Hiller, G., Estrada, C., Jiménez, E., Abreu, E., Méndez, I., Gandía, J., and Meléndez-Guerrero, L. University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, and San Juan City Hospital, San Juan, PR. Logitudinal Studies on Maternal HIV-1 Variants by Biological Phenotyping, Sequence Analisys, and Viral Load. AIDS J. Cell and Molecular Biology. 43 : 1097 - 1114, 1997.
- Rothschild B.M., Hong N. and Turnquist J.E. Naturally occurin pondyloarthropathy in Cayo Santiago rhesus macaques. Clin. Exper. Rheumatol., 15: 45-51, 1997.
- Schober A., Minichiello L., Keller M., Huber K., Layer P.G., Roig-López J.L., García-Arrarás J.E., Klein R. and Unsicker K. Reduced AchE-activity in adrenal medulla and loss of sympathetic preganglionic neurons in TrkA-, but not TrkB-deficient mice. J. Neurosci., 17: 891-903, 1997.
- Schwartz A., Fernández-Repollet E., Vogt R. and Gratama J.W. Construction of a uniform and standardized calibration curve for determination of fluorescence intensity by flow cytometry.Cytometry, 26: 22-31, 1996.
- Schwartz, A., Méndez, M., Santiago, G., Díaz, L. and Fernández-Repollet, E. Applications of common quantitative fluorescent standards to multiple platforms: Comparison of commercial fluorescent calibration standards used in quantitative flow cytometry immunophenotyping analysis as a function of pH environment. Clin. Immunol. Newsletter, 17: 14-18, 1997.
- Specht S.C., Rodríguez C., Quiñones L. and Velázquez S. Effect of high ionic strength and inhibitors of H,KATPase on the Ouabain-sensitive K-p-Nitrophenyl phosphotase activity in the sea anemonre Stichodactyla helianthus. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B., 117 : 217 - 224, 1997.
- Stern M., Ediger V.L., Gibbon C.R., Blagburn, J.M. and Bacon J.P. Regeneration of cercal filiform hair sensory neurons in the first instar cockroach escape behavior. J. Neurobiol., 33 : 439 - 458, 1997.
- Swain S., Whaley F.S., Gerber M., Weisberg S., York M., Spicer D., Jones S.E., Wadler S., Desai A., Vogel C., Speyer J., Mittelman A., Reddy S., Pendergrass K., Vélez-García E., Ewer M.S., Blanchine, J.R. and Gams, R.A. Cardioprotection with Dexrazoxane for Doxorubicin-Containing Therapy in Advanced Breast Cancer. J. Clin. Oncology 15: (4)1318-1332, 1997.
- Turnquist J.E., Schmitt D., Rose M.D. and Cant J.G.H. Pendular motion in brachiation of captive lagothrix and ateles. Am. J. Primatol. In press.