Publications 1996-1997

Papers Published or in Press

  1. Alegría, M., Pescosodio, B., Santos D., Vera, M. Can we Conceptualize and Measure Continuity of Care in Individual Episodes? The Case of Mental Health Services in Puerto Rico. Sociological Focus, 30 (2) : 113 - 129. 1997. 
  2. Barreto-Estrada, J., Medina-Vera L., De Jesús-Escobar, J. and García-Arrarás J. Development of galanin and enkephalia like immunoreactivities in the sympathoadrenal lineage of the avian embryo; In vino and in vitro studies. Dev. Neurosci. (In press). 
  3. Blagburn J.M., Sosa M.A. and Blanco R.E. Specificity of identified central synapses in the embryonic cockroach: Appropriate connections from before the onset of spontaneous afferent activity. J. Comp. Neurol., 373: 511-528, 1996. 
  4. Blanco R.E. and Orkand P.M. Astrocytes and regenerating axons at the proximal stump of the severed frog optic nerve. Cell and Tissue Research, 286: 337-345, 1996. 
  5. Burns D.N., Tuomala R., Chang B., Hershow R., Minkoff H., Rodríguez E., Zorrilla, C., Hammill H and Regan, J. Candida albicans vaginal colonization and vaginal candidiasis in human immunodeficiency virus seropositive women during pregnancy and postpartum. Clinical Infectious Disease. 24(2): 201-210, 1997. 
  6. Castro F., Santaella M., Torres E., Rodríguez-Medina J.R. and Gonzá lez-Keelan C. Sustained response to interferon in a patient with common variable immunedeficiency and Hepatitis C.American J. of Gastroenterology. 92 (9) : 1557 - 58, 1997. 
  7. Cooper E.R., Nugent R.P., Díaz C., Pitt J., Hanson C., Kalish L.A., Méndez H., Zorrilla, C., Hershow, Moye, J., Smeriglio, V. and Glenn-Fowler, M. After AIDS Clinical Trial 076: The changing pattern of zidovudine use during pregnancy, and the subsequent reduction in the vertical transmission of human immunodeficiency virus in a cohort of infected women and their infants. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 174: 1207-11, 1996. 
  8. Crespo M.J., Escobales N. and Rodríguez-Sargent Carmen. Endothelial dysfunction in the San Juan hypertensive rat: possible role of the nitric oxide synthase. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. Jun;27(6):802-808, 1996. 
  9. De Mello, W.C. Renin angiotensin system and cell communication in the failing heart. Hypertension, 27: 1267-1272, 1996. 
  10. De Mello, W.C. Impaired regulation of cell communication by beta-adrenergic receptor activation in the failing heart. Hypertension, 27: 265-268, 1996. 
  11. De Mello, W.C. Influence of alfa-adrenergic receptor activation on junctional conductance in heart cells; interaction with beta-adrenergic agonists. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol., 29: 273-277, 1997. 
  12. De Mello, W.C., Cherry, R. and Manivannan, S. Electrophysiologic and morphologic abnormalities in the failing heart; effect of enalapril on the electrical properties. J. Cardiac Failure, 3: 53-61, 1997. 
  13. Díaz-Miranda, L., Cecilio, F., Pardo, R., Martínez, R. and García-Arrarás, J.E. Galanin-like immunoreactivity in the sea cucumber Holothuria glaberrima. Cell and Tissue Res., 286: 385-391, 1996. 
  14. Flishers, A. J., Kramer, R. A., Hoven, C. W., Greenwald, S., Alegría, M. et al. Psychosocial Characteristics of Physically Abused Children and Adolescents. J. Am Acad. Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 36 : 123 - 131, 1997. 
  15. Giardinno, N.D., Aloyz, R.S., Miller, M.W. and DesGroseillers, L. The L5-67 and LUQ-peptide precursors of Aplysia californica: Distribution and localization of immunoreactivity in the central nervous system and in peripheral tissues. J. Comparative Neurology, 374: 230-245, 1996. 
  16. Glied, S., Hover, C., Garrett, B., Moore, R, Leaf, P., Bird, H., Goodman, S., Regier, D., Alegría, M. Measuring Mental Health Status for Services Research. Journal of Child & Family Studies. 6 : 177 - 174. 1997. 
  17. Hallgrimsson, B. Fluctuating asymmetry in the mammalian skeleton: Evolutionary and ontogenetic implications. Evolutionary Biology, Vol. 30. PP 187 - 251, 1997. 
  18. Jiménez, A., Alegría, M., Peña, M., Vera, M. Mental Health Utilization in Women with Symptoms of Depression. Women & Health. 25 (2) : 1 - 21, 1997. 
  19. Landesman S.H., Kalish, L.A., Burns D.N., Minkoff H., Fox H.E., Zorrilla C., García-Fowler M., Mofenson L. and Tuomala R. Obstetrical factors and the transmission of human immunodefiencicy virus type 1 from mother to child. The New England Journal of Medicine, 634(25): 1617-1623, 1996. 
  20. Lavergne J.A., Zorrilla C. and Del Llano A.M. Decreased levels of TNF-beta in cultured PBLs from HIV+ patients occur concomitantly to their increased apoptosis and impaired PWM-induced proliferation and dehydrogenase activity. Immunological Investigations, 25: 279-289, 1996. 
  21. Levine R.J.C., Kensler R.W., Yang Z., Stull T. and Sweeney, H.L. Myosin light chain phosphorylation affects the structure of rabbit skeletal muscle thick filaments.Biophysical J., 71: 898-907, 1996. 
  22. Lim K., Kessler M.J., Pritzler K.P.H., Turnquist J.E. and Dieppe P.A. Osteoarthritis of the hand in a non-human primate: a clinical, radiographic and skeletal survey of Cayo Santiago rhesus macaques. J. Med. Primatol., 25: 301-308, 1996. 
  23. Mejías-Torres I.A., Sierra-Pagín M.L. and Zimmermann B.H. Cloning of an aspartate transcarbamylase like sequence from Toxoplasma Gondii. Nature Biotechnology Short Reports, 8 : 51, 1997. 
  24. Meyer D.L., Jadhao A.G. and Kicliter, E. Soybean agglutinin binding by primary olfactory and primary accessory olfactory projections in different frogs. Brain Res., 722: 222-226, 1996. 
  25. Meyer D.L., Jadhao A.G., Barghava S. and Kicliter E. Bulbar representation of the water nose during Xenopus ontogeny. Neurosci. Lett., 220: 109-112, 1996.
  26. Miller M.W. A cellular approach to the study of complex natural behavior patterns in the ragged sea hare (Bursatella leachii), a marine invertebrate indigenous to Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal, 16: 23-36, 1997. 
  27. Musiba C., Tuttle R.H., Hallgrimsson gastrointestinal, hepatic and pulmonary parasitism in adult cattle from Salamanca province, Western Spain. Research and Review in Parasitology. 55 : 231 - 234, 1996. 
  28. Ramos S., Méndez I., Delgado R. and Cadilla, C.L. Sequence analysis of the HIV-1V1-V2 hypervariable region of the envelope gene from pediatric patients. PR Health Sci. J., 15: 211-218, 1996. 
  29. Renta, J., Cadilla, C., Vega, M., Hiller, G., Estrada, C., Jiménez, E., Abreu, E., Méndez, I., Gandía, J., and Meléndez-Guerrero, L. University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, and San Juan City Hospital, San Juan, PR. Logitudinal Studies on Maternal HIV-1 Variants by Biological Phenotyping, Sequence Analisys, and Viral Load. AIDS J. Cell and Molecular Biology. 43 : 1097 - 1114, 1997. 
  30. Rothschild B.M., Hong N. and Turnquist J.E. Naturally occurin pondyloarthropathy in Cayo Santiago rhesus macaques. Clin. Exper. Rheumatol., 15: 45-51, 1997. 
  31. Schober A., Minichiello L., Keller M., Huber K., Layer P.G., Roig-López J.L., García-Arrarás J.E., Klein R. and Unsicker K. Reduced AchE-activity in adrenal medulla and loss of sympathetic preganglionic neurons in TrkA-, but not TrkB-deficient mice. J. Neurosci., 17: 891-903, 1997.
  32. Schwartz A., Fernández-Repollet E., Vogt R. and Gratama J.W. Construction of a uniform and standardized calibration curve for determination of fluorescence intensity by flow cytometry.Cytometry, 26: 22-31, 1996. 
  33. Schwartz, A., Méndez, M., Santiago, G., Díaz, L. and Fernández-Repollet, E. Applications of common quantitative fluorescent standards to multiple platforms: Comparison of commercial fluorescent calibration standards used in quantitative flow cytometry immunophenotyping analysis as a function of pH environment. Clin. Immunol. Newsletter, 17: 14-18, 1997. 
  34. Specht S.C., Rodríguez C., Quiñones L. and Velázquez S. Effect of high ionic strength and inhibitors of H,KATPase on the Ouabain-sensitive K-p-Nitrophenyl phosphotase activity in the sea anemonre Stichodactyla helianthus. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B., 117 : 217 - 224, 1997. 
  35. Stern M., Ediger V.L., Gibbon C.R., Blagburn, J.M. and Bacon J.P. Regeneration of cercal filiform hair sensory neurons in the first instar cockroach escape behavior. J. Neurobiol., 33 : 439 - 458, 1997. 
  36. Swain S., Whaley F.S., Gerber M., Weisberg S., York M., Spicer D., Jones S.E., Wadler S., Desai A., Vogel C., Speyer J., Mittelman A., Reddy S., Pendergrass K., Vélez-García E., Ewer M.S., Blanchine, J.R. and Gams, R.A. Cardioprotection with Dexrazoxane for Doxorubicin-Containing Therapy in Advanced Breast Cancer. J. Clin. Oncology 15: (4)1318-1332, 1997. 
  37. Turnquist J.E., Schmitt D., Rose M.D. and Cant J.G.H. Pendular motion in brachiation of captive lagothrix and ateles. Am. J. Primatol. In press.